




[Spoiler Warning!]


可能是後者。昨日許導一再強調戲名天水圍的夜與霧的靈感,是來自同名電影Night and Fog,一部講述納粹集中營的紀錄片。雖然我未看這部片子,但從維基百科的條目得知,night and fog本身就是對人性陰霾不定的一個metaphor。

天水圍的夜與霧中的家庭悲劇,就像night and fog般迷幻。形容天水圍是一個圍城似乎捕捉不了導演想探討的人性陰暗面,因為圍城本身就意味著問題的始作俑者是外界的隔絕,而不是內在於人性本身的問題。所以整部戲的處理是儘量突顯出阿森(任達華飾)陰森可怖的一面,就是一個看起來很善良的人如何一步一步地走向邪惡。例如阿森在河邊垂釣的時候,他會很粗暴的把魚釣從魚嘴拔出來。還有就是他在四川曉玲(張靜初)的家,把用袋包裹著的狗隻不斷捧打、撲殺至死、血漿滿溢,就是要強調阿森兇殘成性的一面。人性醜惡的爆發就像上了發條的機械,任憑過去多少美好的回憶都無法遏止。扭曲的愛就像毒藥,每一次的修補都是對雙方的再一次傷害,直至有一方倒下為止。




後記: 珠珠曾經與我討論過有關「作者是誰」的問題,似乎我是太著重紀錄片要有寫實的功能,而身為觀眾的我是不可能完全理解導演的原意的。有興趣的看倌可以到這裡看看。



  1. The movie blew the topic out of proportion. It’s only a trajedy because the husband is a psychopath. Really, I don’t see any problem with hk guys marrying mainland girls. Many white guys in USA marry asian girls, so all those guys are going psycho and butcher their wifes from china? HK people should lighten up. I find HK people’s moral standards still in the medievil dark ages where hk guys must marry the “pork chop" hk girls of the same social class. Futhermore, i’m sure their are HK psychopaths who butcher their HK wifes. So, what do you call that?

  2. The point is the “husband" who is “psychopathic" should have received psychological/psychiatric treatment. It pisses me off to see some HK people being so ignorant and their moral values being so out of date, still in the dark ages, branding human nature as evil and sin. Wake up! There are still good people out there, meaning there are good stories about HK/mainland couples. But all you want to see and believe is a story about a HK psychopath. Pathetic!

  3. The movie also talked about the malfunction of the system.
    Current society (or company) rely on the system and documents. If there is any problem, management team just talk about the problem of the system and how to improve the system… but they never said that they couldn’t build a good system.
    But I think the failure is not because of the system (there is not perfect system anyway). The problem is people. When people is not looking at the result, when people can use excuses, when people doesn’t have passion to their work, what can expect?

    But still say what wrong in the system?? and the key is what wrong in this management team?? from social work, to police, to hk gov…

  4. 這是電影,就是創作劇本,就算取材自真實事件,本質也與記錄片不同。



